Our Story
Hello Mama, Here is our story.
Meera Bharadwaj was started in 2019 and is run by me, Kadambini and my mother in law, Sita Mahalaxmi.
Sita Mahalaxmi
Together, we came up with a unique (patent pending) design for nursing wear when I started breastfeeding my daughter Meera (and, hence we call ourselves by her name!). This design for nursing wear is integrated into all the dresses made by us.
When I started nursing Meera, I realized that far too often, nursing moms excuse themselves from everyday activities like meals at the family table, chats with visitors etc. to have privacy while nursing. Since new mothers breastfeed for hours on end, they can end up feeling disengaged and lonely.
Getting back to life as usual, with simple things like going out to run errands, visiting friends or family, going out to a restaurant or even a long walk become a big hassle for breastfeeding moms as they will need to nurse in public.
Sadly, as a society we carry a lot of shame around breastfeeding. The sight of a breastfeeding mother makes us very uncomfortable and we ask our mothers to nurse privately. In line with this, the current nursing wear designs in the Indian market only solve for the need to access the breasts for breastfeeding. They do not solve for the comfort or privacy of the mother.
When this became my daily reality after Meera's birth, Sita and I took on a personal project to make dresses for me to nurse Meera in where ever I needed to.
We drew inspiration from western wear that serves the same purpose. Sita, with her inherent love for designing & stitching and an exceptional eye for detail, experimented with fabrics lying in her cupboard. I wore the dresses she put together and gave her feedback on what was working and what was not. After a couple of iterations, the design we came up with was super comfortable and exceptionally useful for nursing in public.
Quickly, I was wearing nothing but our own designs!.

I nursed in these dresses at home, at friends and relatives places, at restaurants, in trains, cars and flights. Honestly, our design made my life much easier. We knew that our innovative design would add significant value to all nursing moms and now here we are, making these dresses for you.
While we are a maternity clothing store, we stand for much more than that. Our dresses are designed to offer freedom and choice to a nursing mom. The more we see women nurse freely and confidently wherever they need to, the more it will become the norm in our society. At the heart of our work is the aspiration to put women and their needs at the center of innovative product design.
We hope you will try us out!